Crimson Lancers

From Drew's Battletech Wiki
Revision as of 17:14, 29 November 2013 by WikiAdmin (talk | contribs)

The Crimson Lancers are an Inner Sphere-based mercenary unit operated by the 2nd Royal Special Assault Brigade's Intelligence Division in conjunction with the 3rd Dark Horse brigade. The primary purpose of the unit is to gather intelligence on the various Inner Sphere realms. Their secondary purpose is to support (or perform) intelligence operations as required and to assess the status of any remaining Star League facilities.

The unit has been operational in the Inner Sphere since 2932 and has worked for all 5 Successor States, Com Star, and the Magistracy of Canopus. The unit is currently the majority share-holder (51%) of a small boron mine on Novo Tressida, within the Magistracy. The mine is a joint venture between the Canopian government and the unit, who procured the equipment necessary to mine and process the Boron.

The unit also acts as a part-time military consultant for the Magistracy providing advice on how to structure various planetary defenses. The Canopian government sees this relationship as mutually beneficial to both parties. The Lancers and Canopians are both able to share in the mine's profits while the unit benefits from a defensively stronger Canopian military, which in turn provides stability, which itself can increase the mine's profits (or at least decrease any chance of disruption).