2nd RSAB Command Structure

From Drew's Battletech Wiki
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The 2nd RSAB command structure consists of a military structure and a governing structure.

Military Structure

Governing Structure

Command Council:

  • 2nd RSAB Commander - Field Marshal - 2 votes plus tie-breaker
  • 2nd RSAB Reserves Commander - Lt. Field Marshal - 1 vote
  • Army Commander - General - 1 vote
  • Naval Commander - Admiral - 1 vote
  • Support Corps Commander - General - 1 vote
  • Director of the Intelligence Corps - 1 vote
  • Commander of the Experimental Combat Brigade - Brigadier General - 1 vote
  • Commander of the Army Reserves - General - 1 vote
  • Commander of the Reserves Support Corps - General - 1 vote
  • Commander of the Naval Reserves - Admiral - 1 vote
  • 3 civilian representatives with full-service military experience - 1 vote total

Majority rules.

Quorum equivalent to 6 votes.

Command Council can acclaim full discretion to 2nd RSAB Commander by a 2/3rds vote. Acclimation can be revoked by a simple majority.

Successor to the 2nd RSAB Commander must have unanimous support of Command Council.

Upon appointment of a new unit commander, he/she must designate, and have approved, a successor. If no successor is declared or the successor is not available, a temporary unit commander can be selected based on a majority vote by the following only:

  • Army Commander
  • Naval Commander
  • Commander of the Experimental Combat Brigade