2nd RSAB Technology

From Drew's Battletech Wiki
Revision as of 23:29, 17 May 2014 by WikiAdmin (talk | contribs)
  • All Battlemechs use an improved form of triple-strength myomer. 2nd RSAB 'Mechs receive all of the normal benefits (+1 to base walking MP, double damage for physical attacks, double lifting capability) with 0 critical slots required and no heat levels required.
  • Battlemechs (and LAM's) can always add enough jump-jets to equal their walking MP's when taking into account the benefits of triple-strength myomer.
  • XL Engines are half-weight but take up only the critical slots required for a standard engine
  • Ferro-Fibrous and Ferro-Aluminum armour require 0 critical slots. Armour multiplier is 1.25
  • Endo Steel internal structure requires 0 critical slots
  • All units have a built-in C3i network at the battallion level. Can link with aerospace fighters as well (Usually 36 'Mechs and 6 fighters - maximum capacity)
  • Helical Ferro-Fibrous Armour - 10 Critical slots - doubles protection in any area - ignore the limits due to internal structure. Not usable on LAM's.
  • LAM's may use XL Engines, Endo Steel, and Ferro-Aluminum armour. Also come equipped with triple-strength myomer.
  • All units have sensor capabilities equivalent to the Bloodhound Active Probe but with a range of 15 hexes and the ability to see through any/all Clan/Inner Sphere ECM suites and Stealth technology. Can also detect disrupted terrain (from the burial of mines/etc...).
  • All units have ECM capabilities equivalent to the Angel ECM suite but with a range of 15 hexes. The ECM capabilities cannot be countered by Clan/Inner Sphere units (ECCM rules).
  • All units have built-in TAG capabilities for Guided Munitions with a maximum range of 30 hexes
  • All weapon guidance and targeting systems are immune to Clan/Inner Sphere ECM technology.
  • Double Heat Sinks require only 1 critical slot
  • All units automatically have CASE II at no cost
  • Null/Void signature systems, stealth-armour, and the Chameleon Light Polarization Shield and other such technologies are not used because of the bulkiness, heat generated, and general ease with which such systems are penetrated. It was felt that the Inner Sphere and Clans would develop technologies that would cut through them too easily so as to make them less than useful. That being said, 'Mechs, Fighters, LAM's, and Vehicles use a form of sensor distorting armour which gives all attacking units a +1 to-hit penalty at medium and long ranges.
  • 2nd RSAB units don't use MASC or Superchargers as the risk of permanent damage in the short term is not worth losing a unit for the long term campaign. This is somewhat mitigated through the use of the triple-strength myomer
  • Due to advanced control systems and improved gyros, all Units benefit from a -1 bonus when making piloting skill checks.
  • 'Mech, LAM, and Fighter cockpits weigh 4 tons.
  • Advanced targeting system is built in: only +1 to-hit penalty for firing through any number of Light Woods hexes. +1 to-hit penalty per hex when firing through Heavy Woods or Smoke hexes. Night combat modifiers do not apply.
  • Advanced Anti-Missile System - orders of magnitude more effective. Can also be used as an anti-infantry and anti-battle armour weapon with lethal results. Energy version is available but is less effective against infantry and battle-armour. Far more effective at ammunition management than Clan/Inner Sphere versions due to mixed ammunition types, targeting system, and predictive capabilities. Also able to defend other units.
  • Uses Gauss/Electro-Magnetic Artillery instead of chemically-propelled versions. Shells can be guided (G-EMA) or un-guided(EMA). G-EMA rounds respond to TAG signals.
  • Arrow V type artillery/missiles are used rarely due to the effectiveness of the anti-missile systems but use Clan weights.
  • The use of LRM & SRM launchers is very uncommon (due to the effectiveness of the anti-missile systems) but use the Clan weights but with the added bonus of a built-in Artemis IV FCS into each launcher. Streak SRM's also use Clan weights.
  • Battlemech Partial Wing - 5% of weight - 2 criticals in each torso - +2JMP and allows dissipation of 3 heat points per round.
  • Main HPG's have a range of 100 Light Years while mobile ones have a range of 75 Light Years

Dropship Construction Rule Changes

  • Dropship Engines: 5.5% of total mass per thrust point
  • Spheroid Free Heatsinks = Square Root of Engine Mass x 7.1
  • Aerodyne Free Heatsinks = Engine Mass x 3/55
  • Dropship Structural Mass:
    • Spheroid: (SI x Mass) / 600
    • Aerodyne: (SI x Mass) / 250
  • Dropship Max Armour (tons):
    • Spheroid: SI x 4.65
    • Aerodyne: SI x 3.7
  • Dropship Armour Point Table:
Ship Mass (tons) Armour Points (per ton)
Spheroid Aerodyne
100-12,499 100-5,999 25.2
12,500-19,999 6,000-9,499 21.4
20,000-34,999 9,500-12,499 17.6
35,000-49,999 12,500-17,4999 15.1
50,000-64,499 17,500-24,999 12.6
65,500+ 25,000-35,000 8.8

Jumpship Construction Rule Changes

  • Note: Oracles do not follow standard construction rules
  • All Jumpships and Warships use compact K-F drives
  • Jumpships have a range of 60 light years per jump
  • Lithium-Fusion Batteries weight 1.5% of the unit's total mass but can provide energy for 2 jumps instead of the regular one.
  • Compact K-F Drives take up 42.5% of a Jumpship's/Warship's mass
  • Jumpship/Warship propulsion engines mass: 0.055 x Thrust x Ship Mass
  • Free Heatsinks equals: 45 + square root of Engine Tonnage x 2.2
  • Jumpship/Warship structural mass: Desired SI x Mass / 1250
  • Max Armour: SI Mass / 40
  • Armour Points:
Unit Mass Armour Points Per Ton
2,000-149,999 1.7
150,000-249,999 1.4
250,000+ 1.2
  • Mobile HPG's only require 1 additional crew to operate